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Showing posts from July, 2017


Hello readers, life brings many challenges to our lives. We are under the pressure, stress and we wait for holiday every single time when something turns out to go wrong. We cannot cope with it. The result of it is depression and sadness. We do not know how not to fake a simple smile, how to be possitive, how to have a motivation. Did you know that it is possible to avoid it? You maybe even did, but it probably did not work out for you... Maybe it is a right time to start believing in yourself, do not underestimate your goals and start apreciating yourself....being glad for who you trully are and do not try to pretent to be someone else..who would people like better ( in your opinion at least ) . The fact is that nobody likes a copy of someone, but a perfect original. You are the perfect original...if you will be happy for who you are, so can be others. It is the right time for us to start enjoying the life we live, the opportunities we have, the beauty of the world. We